Victorian England

September 4th, 2015 Posted in News

We knew to be the Switzerland of America, but today we live under the shadow of a ghost that no longer exists and with a lie that reaches us whenever you can. Returning to Hudson, the author describes our country as a society in complete barbarism, away from the rigidity of Victorian England and the civilized Europe. The contrast between the Creole and English life was exorbitant, but the author He explains that life in Uruguay has a different flavor. A mixture between freedom, love and madness that had never before experienced. And thus describes the life of the gauchos Uruguay, life that predominated in the campaign until the militarism of late 19th century where he began the period of technification of the Uruguay that culminated with the war in the year 1904 and permanence and influence of Batlle y Ordonez during the 20th century. After the expiry of the gaucho (as main character) and the beginning of the era of the?Uruguay’s Gold? the country changed completely. We become the example for all of South America.

For 50 years we enjoy a good standard of living, education, health etc. Then all that Hudson had described was fading little by little. That freedom, love, passion, madness, was losing because we adapt more to the pragmatic European cultures. But at that time, the economic prosperity opacaba any loss that we were suffering. The problem occurred when the country left of grow. With the beginning of the sixties the global economy hampered economic growth in our country, cultural revolutions and guerrilla tupamara, followed by the long dictatorship which we suffer ended up sinking to a country that once was able to have it all. We have lost prestige internationally, the strong economy, educated society, citizen security, foreign investments.

We went back to the almost total disarray, a country divided, impoverished, suspicious. To anarchy. But worst of all is that it is not anarchy as describing Hudson, by which we also lost the passion, love, madness, which were replaced by resentment, anxiety and confusion about who will bring us the future. And I wonder that awaits us?, because does not seem to be very accurate. We become another country of South America? Or we will take our own path as we did the last century? This is the turning point where we have to think of where we have been, but mainly we think where we want to go.


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