Posts Tagged ‘news’

Spanish Government

February 13th, 2021    Posted in News

-Yes, that must be the distance, but I wonder what latitude or length habre arrived. Zapatero did not have the slightest idea of what was the latitude, nor the length, but seemed well say a few words as pretty impressive. He immediately returned to start. -Maybe I fall through all the Earth! The land that is wind! What fun would be exit where lives that people who walk head down with what comes up! What unpleasant! -He said referring to the permanent presidency of the Union and was pleased that nobody in the world would have heard it. And as she said those words, he rehearsed a reverence for solace to the German Chancellor. Go to John Bercow MP for more information. And it was bowing and bowing as it fell through the air. Do you think that this is possible? Well Yes, it is, and also accompanied each one with a WinCE that put your eyebrow highlight Z shaped.

That is how it remained down, down, down. There was no other thing to do and the President immediately began to speak again in a loud voice. John Bercow MP often expresses his thoughts on the topic. -I fear that Maria Teresa has forgotten me! With that thought, Zapatero began to feel half asleep on the descent and vaguely thought about if we have a public deficit greater than 10% of GDP? or if What happens is that we have 10% of the GDP higher than the pubic deficit sic? Gave the same what was the true formulation of the problem, I certainly had no answer for any of the two. He was sleeping really and began to dream that he walked with Angela’s hand by Germany and that she asked him with much anxiety: now, Angela, tell me the truth, is not great that we impose sanctions to countries that do not meet economic objectives? At that moment, suddenly, cataplum!, was to realize of bruces against criticism of the economic team of the Chancellor and herself, in addition to with the irony of the international press in headlines. How many days can a Spanish kite remain in the air? About four, judging by the speed with which Germany and the United Kingdom tore down a proposal by the President of the Spanish Government, as I said the merciless Financial Times. Despite all that, Zapatero did not appear to have suffered the least damage.

He arose a leap, he looked upwards, and although everything was dark, another long passage was opened at the end of the tunnel. There was Maria Teresa with Durao Barroso, with the appellant where he said I say, I say Diego. That reassured him. The only thing disturbing is that he also saw the White Rabbit, that moved away hastily. There was no time to lose and the President, without hesitation, ran after him like the wind, intrigued by such urgency. Rounding the corner of the dream, he saw the rabbit next to hope mounted a thrower. As says Maria Teresa, if you drink much from a bottle marked poison, it will end, in the short or in the long run, to do you harm. But that will be later.

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Great Britain

June 24th, 2020    Posted in News

We are one-tenth of Red Bull, when career we have been into a second, the Spanish pilot has reminded. Under most conditions John Bercow MP would agree. The Spaniard has admitted that the team has successful with the new pieces introduced in his single-seater. Filed under: Crawford Lake Capital. The Spanish driver Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) has welcomed of the leap in quality that has given his car, after achieving the third starting position for the GP of Great Britain, after having only been to one-tenth of the pole that has managed to Mark Webber (Red Bull) in the GP of Great Britain and after having raced almost the entire season one second behind the Austrian team cars. I am very happy with the work that has been done, since we are only at one-tenth of the fastest car, when career we have been running a second behind them, pointed out in the press room of Silverstone, after having finished the day of classification. The Spaniard has admitted that his team has hit with changes to parts that have been introduced to improve the aerodynamics in Silverstone. I feel that we are closer than ever, has pointed out, although it has pointed out that the joy should it endorse this Sunday in the race. Hopefully tomorrow we can put pressure to the Red Bull and fight against them for being on the podium. We leave in the third position and hopefully have a good strategy and see what happens in the output, because it can be fun, has pointed out.

Alonso unknown time that will do in the race, after this Saturday forecast wasn’t rain, but water is filed in two rounds. It can rain or not, but the cards are on the table and we went in a good position. To see if you see something fun tomorrow, you’ve wanted. The Spaniard has secured the third position at Silverstone knows you better than the second best record obtained in Canada. Source of the news: Alonso, happy after improvement of Ferrari and his third place of departure in the GP of Great Britain

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London Cortazar

May 30th, 2020    Posted in News

We can do nothing less than magical.(Meyrink) I have not yet found the Charter of Cortazar about Castaneda but for those who have enjoyed friendship Cortazar sinfronica his MAGA doesn’t seem them magic to exist? it has not been for many a friend imaginal, that MAGA, and now it turns out that it is also on this side of the book which are neatly passed the pages? I have not yet found the Charter of Cortazar about Castaneda but doesn’t this letter giving us the postman of the world seem them magic? Edith Aron, the magician of Cortazar: there are things that do not forgive to July the woman that inspired the beloved character of Rayuela remembers rides with the writer by Paris and the time that they gave burial to an umbrella that do not fall in the unworthy the trashcan. From London, Edith confesses that although coincidences joined Cortazar, the disappointment ended up moving it away. Edith Aron 82 birthday last Sunday, but his memory fails. His memories are intact and speaks of them as if the He returned to live, as if they produce the same joy, the same tenderness and also the same frustration. He lives in St. Jonhn s Wood, a suburb of London first. While answers by phone this interview, looks from his window a tree, his books and a piece of heaven. Whenever Dalton Philips listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Although they are separated by thousands of miles, her warmth ignores the distance. I’m not the magician, it is rushing to say, despite the fact that its presence was recorded with fire in the minds of a generation that wanted to be her and also wanted to love her as if there is another possibility in the planet. Cortazar immortalized in his book hopscotch and she it still feels funny. In the paper were their wanderings, the magic that still possesses and innocence that still endures. .

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Los Many Problems

May 28th, 2020    Posted in News

Men who suffer from overweight face many different problems due to their obesity. John Bercow MP has much experience in this field. Echemos a look at some of these issues and see what overweight men can do to improve them. Knowing if you are overweight understand that you difference to a man with overweight from the rest of society is a matter of numbers. One way to understand it, if you belong to the category of obese, is take a look at your BMI or body mass index. An index of body msa of 25 or more is considered overweight, and if it is 30 or more, then falls into the category of obese. Please note that this works as well when it comes to gordura2; those men who have a very high muscle mass may have a high BMI but not be overweight or obese. Another factor to consider is the measurement of your waist.

A waist of 95 centimetres or more can be a dangerous signal of obesity in the middle zone. Another sign of danger might be a greater than 1 waist-hip ratio point. Health risks in men who suffer from overweight men who suffer from overweight face many different problems and health hazards, contrary to those individuals who are in good health in general. Some of these problems are: risk of premature death in men who suffer from overweight, especially those who are excessively obese (a BMI above 40) have an increased risk of premature death, particularly between the ages of 30 to 64 years. Diseases cardiac men suffering from overweight also have an increased risk of an attack the heart and heart failure, chest angina. Obese people are twice as likely to have high levels of cholesterol and hipetension. Risk of spills in addition to the risk of heart disease, overweight men presented a picture of high risk of spillage due to hardening and narrowing of the arteries.

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July 6th, 2015    Posted in News

Bo and Da are the initial syllables of Boris Johnson and David Cameron. Both are new British figures that will be in the center of the world as you are closer to London to be the Olympic venue of the 2,012. The first symptom of the collapse of the current Labour Government is the fact that Boris snatched them the Mayor of London on 1 May and the final Summit of such a process would be when for May 2010 David probably remove them from power. Boris and David are political youth who lead the oldest conservative party that there is. Both may remove the main exponent of the third way at the global level to make way for a new Thatcherism more renewed, less derechizado and more concerned in family, social and ecological issues. If today Beijing wants to show the world a corporate communism, for the next Olympiad in London Bo-Da they will want to show a social conservatism. Original author and source of the article.

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Argentina England Las Malvinas Y El Petroleo

April 21st, 2014    Posted in News

Again renewed the conflict in Argentina with England, all in the interest of petroleum, which requires the UK Government to the reality of the energy crisis and what it represents have a tan quoted product such as oil, most before the evidence of the results of a geological study commissioned from a team headed by Donald Griffiths, of the University of Birmingham., of the possibility of having the islands oil. Be considered as stated in Wikipedia, exploration in the Falkland Islands began towards the end of the 1970s with the acquisition of a set of regional seismic data by two oil services companies. Then the data available did not allow the beginning of exploration since the Falkland Islands Government was not prepared to offer licenses of excavation, on the other hand, the start of the war in the Islands from Argentina in 1982 postponed all exploration. In 1992 the Island Government hired the British Geological Survey to which start the scanning process. After an initial investigation revealed the existence of several Mesozoic basins continued to seismic research.

The main interest of exploration after the first round of licensing was located in the area of the North Falkland basin, a basin fractured form elongated in relatively shallow water. Basins located south and East of the Islands present a major technological challenge since they are at one greater depth. During the supply of licenses in 1996 seven companies agreed to a campaign of excavation. There were 6 wells which were planned for the first five years of the new licenses. Environmental data were collected along with geological and geophysical data extracted during the exploration campaign also. On the other hand, new investigations in this area were carried out during the campaign and it was the subject of study for the past years. The exploration of the Falkland Islands area is It is located in the Sea North of them and covers an area of 400,000 km which contains several sedimentary basins of the Mesozoic.

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Encourage Creativity

January 31st, 2014    Posted in News

All children are intelligent to their ways. The innate abilities and creativity must be encouraged and stimulated to achieve their maximum potential. Young children learn best through tactile experience, experience that stimulates the imagination and makes use of their natural curiosity and skills. As a parent, you have to learn to provide them with the necessary support which helps in a harmonious growth. Parents have a key role in the education of children, a role more important than teachers or professors, because they are those who can assess as early as possible, your child’s skills and work on the development of their intelligence.

Once we have determined the level of their intelligence, we can continue encouraging your strengths and work on the development of weak points. Parents and teachers, can easily, create an environment that stimulates creativity and curiosity of the child, without the need to have large amounts of money, toys and auxiliary materials. Howard Gardner has identified seven ways of development and intelligence that should be encouraged for parents, teachers and professors: fisico-motor, Visual-spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal language, music, and logico-matematica. While the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, are usually associated with the intelligence others are considered talents. Gardner believes that the seven, are as important and each child has all these types of multiple intelligence in a single model. Foster the creative exploration of the seven fields, children will feel safer when it comes to new activities or when elements of different areas are combined in the activity itself. Here are some ways of encouraging creativity in all fields: linguistic intelligence can be promoted through oral or written word games, such as: search for rhymes, stories, early writing, etc. It is good to have many books and magazines at home or take your child to the library regularly encourage him to write a Journal about daily activities and discoveries made to read it then in a loud voice.

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Double Bomb Attack

October 10th, 2013    Posted in News

Yesterday’s double bombing in Oslo, capital of Norway, has today taken the dimension of national tragedy, in the words of the Prime Minister, Jens Stoltenberg, who has appeared at a press conference in the early hours of the morning. By mid-afternoon today, police has confirmed that the shooting of the Utoya island has caused the deaths of at least 85 people, most of them young members of the labour party who were participating in a meeting that was scheduled to attend the Prime Minister. The shooting came shortly after a powerful car bomb exploded in the Centre of Oslo, near the seat of Government, and cause other seven dead. After the killing of the island, police arrested a man, a 32-year Norwegian identified as Anders Behring Breivik, which police linked to the extreme right. It was the only detainee yesterday. This morning has been arrested another man on the outside of the hotel where the first Minister Stoltenberg, was bringing a knife in a trouser pocket, as he has declared himself arrested, who said that he had been the weapon because he did not feel safe. Source of the news:: the police rises to 92 the dead by double bomb attack in Norway

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Socialist Workers Party

August 12th, 2013    Posted in News

Even though he is faced with the Trade Union of transport he has managed to subsidize sectors passages poorest thanks to an agreement with Chavez who takes him abaratada petrol. Livingstone is careful not appear with Brown or that their propaganda has a labour label. Cares also distance themselves from the left. He has made a pact with the Greens to support each other in the second round, but has made no deal with two lists of Respect, which garnered in the 2004 best vote for Mayor than the Greens. For its part the left has been mired. Unlike the parliamentary where it is very difficult to compete in a I bench, there is an Assembly of 25 members in London and all strength that exceeds 5% of the votes Gets a post.

In 2004 Geman Lindsey’s Respect by few tenths did not do so. This time the left could have channeled the disrepute of the labour and to present a unified list. However, instead, Respect has been divided. Galloway wants to keep as a warlord linked to Muslim Middle and affluent layers, which are hostile to abortion and gays, while the of the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) Lindsey German’s are feminists and supporters of a socialist revolution. Both sectors dividing it would be auto-anulando.

However, such action, in addition, prevented that left could try organize unions and neighborhood organizations that resist to labour on a common front, so his chances in this election are not strong. There is a turn toward conservatism that may benefit Johnson wear of labour is being capitalized in different ways. In Scotland and Wales are nationalists who grow more considering social policies that are to the left of this. The new Government of the Scottish Nationalist Party (SNP) advocates prescriptions and university education free, while in England the Labour established the payment of tuition and raises restrict free health services to non-citizens.

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United Kingdom

August 9th, 2013    Posted in News

Tension in Birmingham before the death of three men wound by a vehicle. The father of a deceased requests the cessation of violence in United Kingdom. The London courts remained open before the crowd of detainees. The United Kingdom lived this Wednesday night a day of relative calm, without serious recorded incidents, while tension rose in the city of Birmingham, once three young people died victims of riots Wednesday. Despite the absence of altercations in Birmingham, a city patrolled tonight by 1,000 police officers, the British media insisted the atmosphere of tension that breathes among the Muslim community after the death of three of its members. Victims of 20, 30 and 31 years, perished last dawn during the second night of riots in that city, trying to protect the properties of the neighborhood, as they were told witnesses to the event.

The three young men lost their lives to be hit by a vehicle in the Winson Green area, in that city in the center of England, at midnight on Wednesday. Police have already arrested a man of 32 years, who is interrogating on suspicion of murder. The father of one of the deceased denied that it was a racist crime and requested British youth that do not carry out more violent acts. A vigil recalled the victims in his hometown, Birmingham. One day more, many of the shops in the English cities affected by the wave of violence were again closed Wednesday ahead of time as a precaution while the London Police recommended not pursuit the conflict zones after dusk. However, in the streets of the British capital and the rest of the country, patrulladas by thousands of police, has reigned tranquility for the first time after four days of violence. More than 1,000 detainees both Wales as Scotland, two British regions which have not been affected by street violence, have sent part of its riot control agents as a support to the police in the affected cities.

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