Posts Tagged ‘it’

SAP Users Unhappy With Their Configuration Management

June 2nd, 2020    Posted in News

Study of piTop consulting: strain by complex terms and conditions of software configuration management often suffers less transparency ohringen, 03.12.2009 many SAP users are dissatisfied with their configuration management. So inconsistencies are often not sufficiently recognized according to a survey by piTop consulting among more than 200 companies through the tools. The companies see the existing complexity overwhelmed and there is not sufficient transparency in the processes of change. Overall, the study revealed a limited satisfaction of SAP users with configuration tools used by them. So only every fourth Awards relatively fully good grades, the IT executives questioned in addition a third is reflected largely’ satisfied.

Two out of five of the companies evaluate the tools from the perspective of practice requirements as inadequate or only partly helpful. At the front are in the list of the causes of inconsistencies in the configuration management; This 58 percent of respondents judging. Closely related is Statement by over half, that is due to the conditions of complexity of almost inevitably einschliechen error and the tools of the existing diversity of applications and their interdependencies were overwhelmed. The primary reason is the inability of these tools, parent to analyze structural dependencies and manage”, says piTop CEO Fritz Gebert. This ability is even more important, the more applications are functionally interlinked. Perhaps check out Dalton Philips for more information. Also another revealing phenomenon can be determined: for 49 percent of the companies register, that corrected error pop up again. This should be understood according to opinion of Gebert as note, to verify the entire process of software development and software maintenance on existing gaps. This process is then usually not sufficiently secured and transparent, so that corrections be overlooked.” The lack of transparency also applies the change processes.

It is so according to 55 percent the SAP user for the employees often not clear on what progress they set up their changes or whether a program is not just parallel edited by a second person. Accordingly, the inserted Konfigurationsmanagementtool Gets the next complaint, since it helps to keep track with the product versions. Thus it can also not the demands of revision”, criticized the piTop Managing Director. But the change process itself does not the asked demands. So my 46 per cent according to the investigation, that he was not formalized. In addition, there are 41 percent of believe that the integrated checks and balances do not infringe. Also, the processes in the configuration management in 43 percent of the companies surveyed have no ITIL compliant orientation. The increased time and cost is one of the main consequences of these weaknesses. The required rework consumes substantial resources and costs a lot of money”, white Gaillot from his consulting practice. In addition could the market-related business processes of the company be affected. “But because the configuration management rather than strategic issue is settled, there is at the decision level on the necessary attention”, criticized Gebert. Agency think tank Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72 fax: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-71

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Winner Of The First German ITSM Championship Stand Set

May 26th, 2020    Posted in News

Christian Stempfhuber of DATEV wins the elite competition SERVIEW with the University of Karlsruhe and the TuV SuD plans the first European Championship of ITSM SERVIEW for 2011 and one for 2010 German Junior Championship for students Bad Homburg, December 15, 2009 – Christian Stempfhuber won the first German Championships in ITSM. This elite competition in the IT service management was conducted over five rounds of the consulting firm SERVIEW in cooperation with the University of Karlsruhe technology and economy as well as the TuV South. The IT Auditor of the service provider DATEV won Service Manager at the international KAEFER Isoliertechnik and Wolfgang on December 11, 2009, in the finals of the best five participants before Marco Heitkamp, Bartsch, head of sourcing strategies at IABG. Overall, more than 300 ITIL professionals took part in this first skills competition. More information is housed here: Michael Ellis MP. The entire responsibility for the thematic approach and the questions had the University of Karlsruhe with Prof.

Dr. Mathias Philipp of the Faculty of computer science and Business Informatics held. For the general development of competence in IT becomes increasingly important that the professional elite can measure”it, he valued the concept of ITSM Championships as an important instrument for promoting performance. This approach can be undoubtedly very interesting way evolve.” For this reason, SERVIEW wants to realize more projects of this kind after the success of the first German ITSM Championships for the next few years. Our self understanding, skills are the central core of each success. Click Crawford Lake Capital to learn more.

But in order to provide incentives for the development of competence in the width, sometimes also innovative ways such as the Championships must be taken”, SERVIEW Managing Director Michael sees cross his company in the leading role for such measures. This includes the ITSM German Junior Championship in the spring of 2010. It is geared only for students of appropriate departments and aims to promote the professional talent. For this purpose already 11 universities have their active Pledged participation. The first European ITSM Championships planned for 2011, for which currently start the preparations have an equally high priority. We wish heard by participants of the just completed elite competition that they would measure happy international”, founded cross. In this respect a logical continuation represents the ITSM European Championship”, says the Managing Director of the consultancy. Serview GmbH Gartenstrasse 23 61352 Bad Homburg Tel: + 49 (0) 6172 17744-0 fax: + 49 (0) 6172 17744-99

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August 16th, 2016    Posted in News

“Now for free order effectively safeguard critical communications” with this important issue concerned the new and free security compendium of containing practical and informative booklet for IT professionals the most important questions and answers about security in email together. The compendium shows basics, discusses the issue on the basis of reports from the user, product information, and gives rise to the most important representatives of security manufacturers to Word. “The current security compendium puts special attention among others on these topics: E-Mail Security in transition: new threats new protection concepts for open-source-spam protection on the mail server spam and malware effectively eliminate compliance requirements meet rule-compliant order the compendium of critical communication effectively abischern” via the following link:… Please click on “free show”. You will get a printed version of the new compendium for free by mail. registered users receive automatically free of charge to new editions of the compendium of the security. Order your Edition now free of charge and without obligation: we are pleased to support you in your daily work with this service. Sincerely your reader service Vogel IT media GmbH August-Wessels-Strasse 27 86156 Augsburg, Germany on is the German-language edition of of the US publisher TechTarget successful and multiple award-winning range of information for IT security decision makers. provides on demand IT security professionals”all the information that they need for the continuous updating of their knowledge and the search for the procurement: current news, whitepapers, webcasts, downloads and case studies, as well as a comprehensive IT security vendors- and mean – product database, intelligent”-areas and useful community features such as forums and proposition. ” The RSS feeds and newsletters from bring their IT professionals at the top Industry, by they provide you with the latest, success-relevant information from the IT security field. for editorial questions contact please: Peter Schmitz Vogel IT media GmbH editor-in-Chief 27 86156 Augsburg Tel. + 49 821 2177-165 fax 165 E-Mail: about Vogel IT media: the Vogel IT media, Augsburg, are a wholly owned subsidiary of Vogel business media, Wurzburg. Since 1989, the publishing house publishes trade media for decision makers, who are professionally involved with the production, procurement or the use of information technology. In the Augsburg publishing house in addition to print and online media offers a wide portfolio of events. The most important offers of the Publishing House are IT-BUSINESS, eGovernment computing,,,,, as well as the events of the IT BUSINESS Academy.

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Degussa Bank

July 20th, 2015    Posted in News

Within the framework of our industrialization process, it allows us a reduction of vertical integration. We can focus on our customers and their requests. Here KORDOBA ensures standardized ASP concept full cost transparency and process safety. “It relieves us: with SMART banking as a business enabler in the back of the customer and their needs at the heart are with us.” About Degussa Bank GmbH with worksite banking, Degussa Bank offers employees of over 100 affiliates in addition to the latest Internet banking technology consulting directly at the workplace. Attractive products at favourable conditions such as a free checking account or custody account are already always of course at the Degussa Bank.

Since January 2007, Degussa Bank GmbH belongs to the Group of companies of the private bank M.M.Warburg & CO KGA. Their experience and expertise in the field of worksite Banking has consistently expanded at this time the Degussa Bank. Today, she is with over 200 Bank stores at many major companies as bank at work”represented and thus market leader. Degussa Bank is a member of the deposit protection fund of the German banks. About KORDOBA GmbH, the KORDOBA GmbH is a leading software and multilevel for the European market with headquarters in Munich.

The company offers solutions for the areas of core banking, securities, Bank management and authorization/SB network operations. KORDOBA customers will receive everything from a single source of the high-quality standard software products on customizing, the implementation, the care and maintenance to various outsourcing models”. Overall, KORDOBA employs approximately 300 employees. KORDOBA is a wholly-owned subsidiary of fidelity national information services, Inc. For more information, see:. Contact: INTERFACE FACTORS GmbH Dr. Ralph Kamfer Landshuter Allee 12 80637 Munich Tel.: + 49 (0) 89 55 26 88-66

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QMETHODS And Tasktop Close Partnership

February 27th, 2015    Posted in News

Partnership for sales and advice of Tasktop products Berlin/Vancouver – April 30, 2013 – decided a strategic partnership for the distribution and the advice of Tasktop products QMETHODS business & IT Consulting GmbH and TASK TOP Technologies Inc. in April. Using Tasktop, customers can integrate your tools of from different manufacturers throughout the application lifecycle (application lifecycle management) with each other and everyone in the software development process for data sync (project management, requirement management, development, test, operation). This will promote the cooperation of particular groups and ensure a maximum transparency and traceability across all areas of software development. “Tasktop continues to see significant growth and adoption of our ALM integration products and services throughout the EMEA region. “We are excited to join QMETHODS to strengthen our presence and commitment in Germany, and throughout the surrounding region, where some of the most advanced software development is taking place.”-Dr. Choksi,. COO, Tasktop “we are pleased that we can complete the QMETHODS product portfolio and provide our customers with a professional approach for your ALM infrastructure integration with Tasktop.” – Matthias Scholze, CEO, QMETHODS about Tasktop Tasktop Technologies Inc.

leads the development of the Eclipse Mylyn framework forward, which was already over a million users. The project provides a “task-focused” interface, which integrates over 70 tools from the Alpine environment. It allows a high visibility and traceability of activities about the “application lifecycle” and leads to a measurable increase in productivity for any business, what software develops and provides. Based on Eclipse Mylyn and the use of the Tasktop certified connector program Tasktop Sync allows companies, cooperation along the professional workflow using all the tools of stakeholders across. The development, quality assurance, operations, business belong to this analysis but also the Project management and corporate governance. With the usage of Tasktop products, costs can be reduced through the modernisation and integration of the existing tool landscape over the entire “application lifecycle”.

QMETHODS helps you in the framework of the partnership such as the integration of IBM collaboration platform rational team concert with HP quality Center. About QMETHODS of the QMETHODS business & IT Consulting GmbH is an active in the European area IT consulting company with headquarters in Berlin and a branch office in Munich. The focus of QMETHODS is the advice and operational support of customers across the entire IT lifecycle on the basis of the processes, methods and tools. In the Center are the topics of project & change management, requirements management, software analysis & design, IT service management, quality assurance & testing, and performance management (BI). Clients include IT companies and IT departments in companies within the sectors automotive, finance, logistics, insurance, Health care, telecommunications, trade, television/broadcasting and public service. More information: qmethods.

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Done Right: Feed Engines

May 12th, 2014    Posted in News

How to the turnover and costs the term feed engine comes from the field of product data marketing. The feed engine refers to a tool, which processed the data feed or even product catalog of online shops and distributed to other platforms. These include usually price, market places, affiliate networks, etc. In particular, the feed engine does the following: preparation of origin feeds import extension of the feed by external data and additional information transformations automatic conversion of data feeds in the format desired the receiver, optimization of the data feed and implementation in the appropriate format, leads which analysis and monitoring of operations, quality and the data streams of the following criteria at the receiver to an optimum listing and performance should be met for the introduction of a feed engine: The operation of online shops strive for increased customer generation in addition to the normal traffic in the online shop willingness to issue budget planning by > 1000EUR for online marketing activities, ensuring a complete evaluation of the following requirements are provided by users repeatedly on the systems: reliability of feed engine, because it represents a central middleware in online marketing to simple interface that combines technical with economic requirements in the rule control and optimisation possibilities on product, product group and category – shop level comprehensive interfaces to all desired portals easy interfacing and integration with the existing infrastructure of competent support around the feed engine, their possibilities and the marketing of the product data following results show up after the introduction of a feed engine: increase in sales and sales costs for feed engine are in relation to the increased sales of significantly lower reduction of expenses for the connection of portals (IT resources) reduction of the maintenance of the interfaces (IT resources) reduction of the CPOs (cost per order) and marketing budget adherence to economic Specifications (budget, margin, contribution margin, etc.) Quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the business channel pilot solutions GmbH is the leading feed-engine provider in Germany. ChannelPilot cloud solution, it is possible to implement a professional and low-cost product data marketing or multi channel online marketing.

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