Posts Tagged ‘history’
Povoamento Porto
July 20th, 2016 Posted in NewsArticles EUGNIO, Alisson. Tensions between the Visitadores Eclesisticose the Black Brotherhoods in Century XVIII Miner. Brazilian magazine deHistria.Vol. 22 n43. So Paulo.
2002 FORTS, Borges Joo. Brigadier General Jose Da Silva Breads and afundao of the Rio Grande. 2. ed. Porto Alegre: Erus/Company Union of SegurosGerais.
1980. _______. The aorianos couples: presence lusa in formaodo Rio Grande Do Sul. 3. ed. Porto Alegre: Martins Bookseller, 1999. _______. Rio Grande of Is Peter: Povoamento and conquista.2 ed. Porto Alegre: Martins Bookseller, 2001. BOOK Tumble of the Parish of Mustards. Mustards: dParquia archive So Lus, 1951. MUACA, Eduardo. Soon the History of the Evangelizao of Angola: 1491-1991. Lisbon: National secretariat of the Commemorations of 5 centuries, 1991. POEL, Frei Francisco Van Der. Congado: origins and identity. access emjun.2006. PRINCIPLES of the Church in Brazil.> Petrpolis: Voices, 1952. RUBERT, Arlindo, History of the Church in the Rio Grande Do Sul. Porto Alegre: EDIPUCR, 1994. SOUZA, Aventina Teixeira. Interview granted in the city deMostardas, RS, day 22/11/2005. SOUZA, Francelino Sundays of. Granted interview nacidade of Mustards, day 22/11/2005. VAT, Frei Odulfo van to give. Principles of the Church in Brazil. , 1952. i Chronology of the Devotion of Ours Lady of the Rosary: entreos Bantos in Africa, in Portugal and Brazil, in the centuries XV-XVII, Wikipia. access in out. 2005. II Id., ibid. III Id., ibid. IV Id., ibid. v Id., ibid. vi National Secretariat of Commemorations of Five Centuries, 1991. vii BALENO, Ildio. Subsidies for the History of the CaboVerde: the necessities of the local sources through the material vestiges, 1989. viii VAT, Frei Odulfo van to give. Principles of the noBrasil Church, 1952. ix Chronology of the Devotion of Ours Lady of the Rosary: the Bantos enters in Africa, in Portugal and Brazil, in the centuries XV-XVII, Wikipia. access emout. 2005. x BERWANGER, Ana Regina. Catalogue of referring doubtful documentosmanuscritos to the existing captainship of the Rio Grande Do Sul noArquivo Overseas Description, 2001. xi EUGNIO, Alisson. Tensions between the visitadoreseclesisticos and the Black Brotherhoods in Century XVIII Miner, 2002. xi SOUZA, Aventina Teixeira of. Granted interview, 22/11/2005. xiii SOUZA, Francelino Sundays. Granted interview, 22/11/2005.
Peter Burke
February 27th, 2016 Posted in NewsIn accordance with the ranks of Peter Burke, can be affirmed that: Images in allow ' them; imaginar' the past of lived form more. As suggested for the critic Stepaen Bann, our position face the face with an image in them places ' face the face with histria'. The use of images in different periods, as objects of devotion or ways of persuasion, to transmit information or to offer pleasure, it allows them to testify old forms of religion, knowledge, belief, delight, etc. Even so the texts also offer valuable indications, images consist in optimum guide it visual power of attorney in the lives religious and politics of last cultures (BURKE, 2004, P. 17). From then on we can understand that the historians searching the agreement of the historical process of the societies had incorporated, as research objects, new sources. Thus, literature, the cartography, the clothes and the images dialogue with the sources ' ' tradicionais' ' used for history.
Considering that the relation between the historian and the object of research or its source if also establishes way problematizao in the use of the images this it can be observed. This problematizao if of the one in two levels. First the natural one in the research process, therefore is through norteadoras elaboration of the hypotheses and questions that the knowledge on the source if constructs. Amongst the authors who study theoretically work the question of the images, Burke defends and reaffirms that ' ' the images, as well as verbal texts and certifications, consist in an important form of historical evidence. They register certification acts ocular' ' (BURKE, 2004, P. 17). It warns that, when treating the images as evidence, we must be you alert for the question of that many of them had not been elaborated with this intention, but to fulfill, religious a function, politics aesthetic, and thus successively.
Sniper Rifle Battle
September 20th, 2015 Posted in NewsIn the battles of Kursk and Orel distinguished tankistki EA Petlyuk, T. Potanin, VP Bezrukov, OD Parshonok-Sotnikov, A. et al Samusenko Tankistka 231-th Tank Regiment Olga Parshonok breakthrough on the instructions of command, risking their lives, three scouts were transported across the front line. Once on the tank, the other – a car that when you return from a mission and the Germans knocked out burned. For the third time this dangerous voyage was made on her armored vehicle. In the battle for Kiev a driver Catherine Petlyuk thrice drove his tank into the attack and destroyed more than 400 Germans.
And when her tank was hit, fearless tankistka jumped out of the tank and a gun shot three more Nazis. In the battle of Vera Bezrukova Baranovichi tank fell into the swamp. The Nazis decided to capture him, drove tractor. But as soon as they pulled the tank, started the engine and Bezrukov tractor was towed her car. With him and she came to his unit. For this brave tankistka was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. Nina P. Petrov – Sniper Rifle 1st Battalion 284th Infantry Regiment of the 86th Tartu Infantry Division, the foreman – a full Commander of the Order of Glory (during the Great Patriotic War, only four women have been awarded this highest rank).
When the war began, from Leningrad Petrova was already 48. In this age on the front did not take. But after a few days, thin, short woman with a rifle standing in battle formation militia divisions of Leningrad.
British Politics
February 25th, 2014 Posted in NewsA similar agreement was concluded in the same year, and Czechoslovakia. Changing the policy of the USSR made it possible to change the strategy and the Comintern in the summer of 1935 at its VII Congress took a course on deployment of anti-fascist struggle. A new strategy of the USSR was in conjunction with the Western countries to fight against "warmongers". Attitude to the Soviet-French agreement was in France a very cool, it was ratified by the French parliament a year later. Serious doubts about the real significance of the agreements were related to the fact that the USSR had no common border with Germany. To meet their obligations under the contract, his troops were to be passed through the territory of Poland or Romania. Government and one on either side feared the Soviet Union more than Germany and flatly refused to make any promises about the possible passage of Soviet troops through their territory.
When it began mass repression of the commanders of the Red Army, Soviet military capabilities was evaluated very low. Military alliance with it began to seem unimportant. France, in the end, abandoned the policy of collective security and prefer to go after the British policy of appeasement. Signing of the Munich Agreement showed the Soviet unrealistic expectations on the management of a collective security system. USSR was not even invited to the Munich conference. Soviet-French and Soviet-Czechoslovak treaties were meaningless securities. For the Soviet leadership, it was a sign that the Soviet Union are trying to move from active participation in European affairs. Soon after France signed an agreement with Germany, almost equivalent non-aggression pact.
In Moscow, it was seen as an attempt to direct German aggression eastward against the USSR. As a result, never became a close perspective, the apparent Soviet leadership is particularly unacceptable: a solution to all conflicts between "Imperialist countries" by the Soviet Union. Exacerbation of conflicts with Japan made these suspicions more valid: the summer of 1938, Japanese troops invaded the Soviet Union at Lake Hassan. In the face of German aggression in the West and Japan in the east of the USSR is under threat of war on two fronts. In the Soviet government start thinking about the need to review foreign policy. Losing hope possibility of collective resistance to Germany, imbued with a deep distrust of politics in England and France, the Soviet leadership began to seek a rapprochement with Germany. The latter, for its part, too, sought a rapprochement with USSR. After the seizure of Bohemia and Moravia, the main object of the claims of Germany became Poland. Hitler tried to play here and the Munich scenario, but Britain and France clearly refused to discuss his claims and gave assurances Poland. By attacking her, Germany risked to be at war with Britain and France. Although Poland and Hitler was not considered as a serious military adversary, capture its deduced Germany on the border with the Soviet Union, whose position is such way to have a decisive …
Bernardine Karmann Companies
October 23rd, 2013 Posted in NewsAs Andres Beer said, former-president of the Anfavea: ‘ ‘ Heroic step, step very grande’ ‘. As we can observe had existed some attempts of implantation of Brazilian marks in the automobile market, some with more projection and projects of bigger autonomy, others although a reasonable volume of sales only adaptavam its drawings on a dependent base of the multinational technology. However, the point of confluence in this question is the lack of financial and technological musculatura. The great international companies already since the beginning of century XX come consolidating its participation in the market, being that these same companies possess a great financial and technological support to support the great competition of the sector. Also the proper Brazilian state grants tax benefits for its installations in the national market. In principle it had this necessity to attract foreign companies, more consolidated and capitalized. It happens that the domain consolidated on the market of these great companies, of certain form, intimidated the sprouting of authentic a national industry.
Therefore, its robust domain in the market it did not allow spaces for the sprouting of competing local companies. The few Brazilian companies who had dared to penetrate in this niche had proved of the same luck: dependence and technological delay, little productive capacity and of investments and necessarily the competition inaquality. As common destination, or they had been acquired by multinationals or simply they had declared insolvent. Picture 01 shows this accurately, of the installed Brazilian companies and of some relevance, it saves the Agrale that still is active, but does not produce technology, the ones that they had not declared insolvent duly had been acquired by the foreign companies. PICTURE 01? Main Assembly plants Installed in Brazil. MontadorasOrigemLocalizao UF/Implantation General.
February 12th, 2013 Posted in NewsImplanting? ties mattering? a conflict that would not be ours, not at least in jurisdiction level. Clia de Azevedo, in the article ' ' Racial quota and state: abolition of racism or rights of race? ' ' , it argues that racism not drift of a certain connotation of race. In contrast, racism creates the race notion is biological it or cultural, in other words, racism operates by means of the racializao of the society. The contrary the implantation of the racial quotas do not deny the existence of racism in Brazil? how they insist on saying some militant intellectuals and of the black movement? but they disagree with the form as it is being if evaluating and trying to fight the racial preconception. They always insist on the universalistas actions that they would not cause, in its readings, the division of Brazil in racial terms. In other words, they are against the racial quotas for seeing in them a process of racializao of the Brazilian society. Thus, they consider the universalizao of the citizenship, where the magnifying of the education and income and other rights would finish for attenuating – the short one, and to exterminar in long stated period, the racial inaqualities in Brazil. Against this argument the corporate shareholders indicate that the racial problem in Brazil not it will be cured only with the solution of the social problems. The blacks have proper demands that the notion of race acting in contemptuous way finished for attributing to them, then, will be revigorating positively this concept that ' ' no-brancos' ' they will fight against the Brazilian racism that organicly are not associated with the notion of social classroom, thus having, ' ' existence autnoma' '. Sketching this type this type of argument declares Pear tree (1996): It is clearly that the racial situation in the country, for if expressing inside of a system of classrooms, is, so to speak, contaminated for very of what it defines social classroom.
Pigeon Brazil
January 16th, 2013 Posted in NewsMoved in They are Vicente and in Pernambuco the route of the Portuguese settling of easy mercantile, for the agriculturist; organized the colonial society on more solid base and in conditions more steady than in the ndia or the African feitorias, in Brazil it is that the test would be become fullfilled definitive of that aptitude. The base, agriculture; the conditions, the patriarchal stability of the family, the regularity of the work by means of the slavery, the union of the Portuguese with muylher indian, incorporated to the economic and social culture of invasor.' ' The great amount of African slaves brought to Brazil between centuries XVII and XVIII not only becomes responsible for the work more weighed of the colony, but also for implantation of its culture, language, and over all identity. The fact is that it left important contributions, ahead of the great potential that had and for the repressora action of the European colonizador that it searched to deletar the identity of the black, compelling it to assume it its culture. Although they have unified the Portuguese language in a country with so vast ratios, the Portuguese had not obtained to restrain the life of the African slaves nor to make to erase them its memory and references, therefore beyond the diverse aboriginal dialects diverse languages and African dialects had also appeared. These dialects had been integrated to speeches of the peoples who were forming the new country. The blacks had brought iorub, or nag, of the groups Sudanese (Guin, Daom, Sudan) composing a species of ' ' language geral' ' of the Bahia, while quimbundo, of the group banto* (the Congo and Angola) spread out in Pernambuco and other states northeast, Rio De Janeiro, So Paulo and Minas Gerais.
The group banto exerted greater influence in the Portuguese said in Brazil, being this evident black contribution in the phonetic one and the Portuguese syntax of Brazil. However, what it has of writing on the subject restricts the relative description of regional situations or research to the time of the slavery, without interviewing or hearing some afro-black, lacking of more descriptive studies and comment of what the remainders think on itself and on its etnia to determine the influence of the slave in the fonetismo and the rhythm of it speaks popular. She is necessary that if it establishes parameters of comparison between speaks of luso come for Brazil and of the Brazilian born in the land, therefore is this differentiation that motivates the variant, a hybrid language with crioulizao characteristics. Gilbert Freyre, in its book great House & Senzala, to 1933, deals with the social mobility that if generated with the miscegenation, the dispersion of the inheritance and the frequent change of profession and residence of the new mestizos, beyond the easy access the position and positions raised in politics of the natural and Creole children, the Portuguese lyric Christianity influenced by the church catholic, result of the mixture of European, African and aboriginal culture, on the basis of an agrarian and pastoral economy. In such a way, a Creole culture was justified. Exactly that the colonizadores wanted to define an official language, as occurred in 1757, through a Law of the Directory of the Indians, the government of Pigeon house decreed the linguistic unification and the imposition of the official language and the general language are banished of the school, in function of the demanded Portuguese officer, however, this repression did not obtain to hinder the natural evolution of the language nor to extinguish the variations that if interlace with the language officer.