Posts Tagged ‘crisis’
New England Renaissance
August 16th, 2016 Posted in NewsIn your case that battle was not to Excel, instead she wanted to disappear. In a poem he wrote: what horrible being someone! / what lewdness. What would think Emily Dickinson her world famous? His poetry renewed the panorama of literature and since then his name is a reference for readers and specialists. According to his biographer, George Frisbie, the poems of Emily Dickinson, the product finally and, from a more perfect in the New England Renaissance, artistic point of view, have quietly reached the rank of classics of American literature. And a little later in the same paragraph says his work, he has won a growing number of readers who understood the high integrity of his poetic craft and who not them would exclude it from American letters, as they could not do so with Poe, Emerson and Whitman. More recently Harold Bloom has included it in his canon of the West as the only woman poet worthy of such privilege. Translations of three poems that accompany this note were made by another admirable writer, argentina Silvina Ocampo. 89Algunas things there are birds that fly Bumblebee of these hours there is no Elegy. Some things there are that remain, they are there worth eternity mountains nor these worried me. There are some resting, is rise. I can I interpret the heavens? what still lies the conundrum!(1859) 190El was weak, I was strong after he left I did go I was weak, and he was strong then I left it to me to lead me home. It was not far the door was closed wasn’t dark he also progressed there was no noise, he didn’t say anything that was what I most wanted to know.The day broke had to separate us none was stronger now he fought I fought also did not despite everything!(1860) 376Es clear that I prayed and God did care? imported you both as if an air pajaroen hit with his paw and shout give me reason life that would not have had sin ti more pious had sidoen the tomb of atom let me joyful, annihilated, blessed and silent instead of this pervasive misery.
Eurozona Greece
September 7th, 2013 Posted in NewsIt considers that of this form " the moral risk would be avoided or perverse behavior that does that the creditors (in this case of Greece) before the breach of the indebted one (Greece) to him continue lending bottoms so that they always count whereupon will be a moneylender of last instance (the countries of the Eurozona) that will solve problema". And it says: " It must not have rescue for Greece because it is sent to the investors the message of which does not matter that Spain, Portugal or Italy have excesses in the public cost or untenable fiscal deficit because in the end somebody pagar". Mndez Ibisate thinks that " in order to avoid that Greece enters situation of not being able to pay and that must leave the Euro it is so the loan has been granted of the EU more what contributes the FMI". This professor of the University of Alcala thinks that " its position within unique an economic and monetary area that is recent and that, therefore, the countries want to maintain and to avoid that the confidence becomes broken on the same is a point of difference of the Greek case and so it happened and how the case in Argentina" evolved;. In spite of it, doubt of the European initiative.
" It is clear that this that Europe has done, the EU is better neither for Greece, nor for the zone Euro nor for the countries that in the future move in that moneda" , It is not necessary to forget as Douzinas comments, the Greeks are a proud town. Massively they have been put under the bombing of mass media, the government and academic adocenadamente submissive, in order to make believe guilty them of the failures of a system to which nobody has voted. In Great Britain we are already very customary to the rhetoric of the BATHTUB " Not-Have; , by its abbreviations in English; T.; but also we know that always there is an alternative. The situation by which they cross the Greeks places to them in forward edge of an attack in all rule to the European principles of democracy, social justice and solidarity, principles that, although never stopped being a little rhetorical, today are fraction by anywhere. Ideally, which the Greek government would have to do is to forget the false Orthodoxy that turns to Greece into a nation so little sovereign as Iraq and to call to a national front of resistance against the Barbarian attack. Source: and of Universia-Knowledge Wharton original Author and source of the article.