E on the sacred time that is the public, would make to record the perpetual words of Saint Augustin: the body is also a creation divina' '. Miguel Couto, of which you were internal: ' ' If all medicine is not in the goodness, little separate valley of it ' '. Again the subject of Schumauss: ' ' The ones that they do not love are, therefore, the ones that have to save mundo' ' you did not undeserve your Masters and you became incorporated yourselves to that they love, and they love with justice: ' ' A vertical reform would become necessary, of high spread, a change of our social pictures, a deep alteration of structure politics. I do not know if everything this fact, in the end a true utopia, we would carry through the dreams of innumerable idealists: the unit of the human sort, the fraternizao of all, the welfare coletivo' '. It standes out, however in your necessity, the affection with that you take care of of the problem of the child, especially in Sergipe.
Several are the scientific works, ressumbrando olor literary, characterizing the basic causes of the abandonment where, at the time and let us say with courage, still today, muutandis mutatis, the impassvel society attends, and indirectly promote, the extermnio of the small being, immediate or mediately, that for the lack of assistencial planning from the gestation, it wants for the economic-social conditions of illiteracy or of the populations. You will be able to have been a tonsurado priest, to scatter the Doctrine in the formation of the souls. Serieis priest, in particular way in the family, extremoso son, brother of many cares, affectionate nephew; amantssimo husband of D. Antnia Anglica Faro Cardoso, whose home God Walter blessed with diletos children, Anglica – companion of the Eng. Chemistry Peter Linhares and Elisabete? companion of the Dr.
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