Philosophy Greek

October 10th, 2012 Posted in News

Evangelho of Joo develops some subjects and one of the aspects that it deserves a distinguished attention mentions the dualidade to it. We can say that the majority of the subjects developed in Joo is treated from a contraposition of ideas: Light x Treva; world x spirit; life x death; to believe x not to believe; etc. The one that if must this? One is to a literary style or a cultural influence come from the paganismo and the philosophy Greek? We can say that both the perspectives are correct. In Joo in fact the contraposition of concepts is part of its literary style. However this is not alone a literary characteristic. It is treated, also of a tribute to the reinante culture in the destination communities at the same time that if it deals with a resource found for the author to oppose the values of the message of Jesus to the values of the involving culture.

E which are the values of the involving culture? Gnose and the philosophy Greek, or the platonismo. As much in Plato as in gnose the dualidade is essential data. Gnose was born probably in Prsia, from the development of the religion mazdesta that it is based on the contraposition of the principles of the good and the evil. Later, no longer Christian world, gained a new feio, maniquesmo (of Maniqueu) strengthening the doctrine mazdesta and incorporating elements of the Christianity. The maniqueismo in such a way deepened this vision that if became one of the first heresies.

Also here if characterizing for the contraposition of the principles of the good and the evil. Gnose, for its turn, affirms that if it can surpass the evil (ignorance), from the knowledge. Standing out that the knowledge (gnose) implies in if desvencilhar of the world, being that the knowledge is as that in one another sphere, beyond our world.


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