In accordance with the ranks of Peter Burke, can be affirmed that: Images in allow ' them; imaginar' the past of lived form more. As suggested for the critic Stepaen Bann, our position face the face with an image in them places ' face the face with histria'. The use of images in different periods, as objects of devotion or ways of persuasion, to transmit information or to offer pleasure, it allows them to testify old forms of religion, knowledge, belief, delight, etc. Even so the texts also offer valuable indications, images consist in optimum guide it visual power of attorney in the lives religious and politics of last cultures (BURKE, 2004, P. 17). From then on we can understand that the historians searching the agreement of the historical process of the societies had incorporated, as research objects, new sources. Thus, literature, the cartography, the clothes and the images dialogue with the sources ' ' tradicionais' ' used for history.
Considering that the relation between the historian and the object of research or its source if also establishes way problematizao in the use of the images this it can be observed. This problematizao if of the one in two levels. First the natural one in the research process, therefore is through norteadoras elaboration of the hypotheses and questions that the knowledge on the source if constructs. Amongst the authors who study theoretically work the question of the images, Burke defends and reaffirms that ' ' the images, as well as verbal texts and certifications, consist in an important form of historical evidence. They register certification acts ocular' ' (BURKE, 2004, P. 17). It warns that, when treating the images as evidence, we must be you alert for the question of that many of them had not been elaborated with this intention, but to fulfill, religious a function, politics aesthetic, and thus successively.
Tags: history