Organizing Committee

August 3rd, 2016 Posted in News

Tomorrow, March 15, 2011, will begin to sell tickets for the London 2012 Olympic Games, according to the Organizing Committee. Tickets will be sold directly from the Olympic Committee of each country, and by authorized resellers. It is available on the website of London 2012, the list of authorised sellers, and we can thus avoid possible fraud in the sale of tickets, as the one which occurred a few days ago. As we reported a few days ago, the ticket prices range from 23 euros for the cheapest entry and 2,369 Euros the most expensive. We can say that the majority of events occur in the same city of London, though some are moving to nearby cities, like football or sailing. A good opportunity to plan our Olympic holidays for the coming year. If you plan to attend the Olympic Games of London 2012 and attend sporting events numbers that occur during the days on July 27 and August 12, apresurese to buy tickets, because that is provides for a huge turnout at most events. Travel and enjoy the coming Olympic Games in London 2012 year.

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