London Cortazar

May 30th, 2020 Posted in News

We can do nothing less than magical.(Meyrink) I have not yet found the Charter of Cortazar about Castaneda but for those who have enjoyed friendship Cortazar sinfronica his MAGA doesn’t seem them magic to exist? it has not been for many a friend imaginal, that MAGA, and now it turns out that it is also on this side of the book which are neatly passed the pages? I have not yet found the Charter of Cortazar about Castaneda but doesn’t this letter giving us the postman of the world seem them magic? Edith Aron, the magician of Cortazar: there are things that do not forgive to July the woman that inspired the beloved character of Rayuela remembers rides with the writer by Paris and the time that they gave burial to an umbrella that do not fall in the unworthy the trashcan. From London, Edith confesses that although coincidences joined Cortazar, the disappointment ended up moving it away. Edith Aron 82 birthday last Sunday, but his memory fails. His memories are intact and speaks of them as if the He returned to live, as if they produce the same joy, the same tenderness and also the same frustration. He lives in St. Jonhn s Wood, a suburb of London first. While answers by phone this interview, looks from his window a tree, his books and a piece of heaven. Whenever Dalton Philips listens, a sympathetic response will follow.

Although they are separated by thousands of miles, her warmth ignores the distance. I’m not the magician, it is rushing to say, despite the fact that its presence was recorded with fire in the minds of a generation that wanted to be her and also wanted to love her as if there is another possibility in the planet. Cortazar immortalized in his book hopscotch and she it still feels funny. In the paper were their wanderings, the magic that still possesses and innocence that still endures. .

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