FRAZO, C. Ethical and the Ambient Support. So Lus, 2011. ETHICS AND AMBIENT SUPPORT The ethical approach, in what it says respect to the ambient support, is born of two distinct wills of the current society, to surpass habits kept throughout the time and to construct a new society, through the consolidation of new customs. The construction of a new society will only happen when the habits considered socially will be surpassed unjust, in view of the effective economic model (capitalism), for concentrating wealth at the hands of few, favoring the inaquality social and generating poverty; ambiently unsustainable, for consuming of aggressive form the natural resources, that are limited.
Then considered utopia of the sustainable development, this tying with the social matters in two plans, global and the place, considering the global plan as the society, that they kill habits of disordered consumption, in a general way generating of all ambient degradation of causes not natural; the local plan represented by one parcels out minim of the society that woke up for the ambient problems and that it tries to revert or to minimize this picture. The two plans re-echo of positive form and negative, in the local plan the actions are being constructed in day-by-day, with the sprouting of not governmental organizations, voluntariados, etc., in the global plan, have broken this significant one that it keeps standards of living with limitless desires, that stimulate the consumption and the degradation of the scarce resources. In this perspective the most important this in global thinking, but yes in local acting, this ethical thought if diverge, therefore if of a side does not exist pressures so that the nations to open its borders, to share its economies, for another one exist a closing of doors when the subject is ambient agreements. While a minority tries to influence and to change a majority, not trying to impose its ideas, but breaking with its proper initiatives route to the sustainable development. Being able to affirm that this minority plan represented by one sector of the society, determined 3 sector (ONGs, Associations), leaving of the beginning of that this sector of the society did not only appear to supply a gap of 1 sector (government), but yes because the civil society was seen in the necessity of if congregating to charge of 1 sector what it is of right, as a clean and balanced environment.
It only goes to be possible to consolidate the desire of the local plan, if the society to start to change its habits and to construct new customs, thus will reach so dreamed sustainable development.
Tags: environment