All children are intelligent to their ways. The innate abilities and creativity must be encouraged and stimulated to achieve their maximum potential. Young children learn best through tactile experience, experience that stimulates the imagination and makes use of their natural curiosity and skills. As a parent, you have to learn to provide them with the necessary support which helps in a harmonious growth. Parents have a key role in the education of children, a role more important than teachers or professors, because they are those who can assess as early as possible, your child’s skills and work on the development of their intelligence.
Once we have determined the level of their intelligence, we can continue encouraging your strengths and work on the development of weak points. Parents and teachers, can easily, create an environment that stimulates creativity and curiosity of the child, without the need to have large amounts of money, toys and auxiliary materials. Howard Gardner has identified seven ways of development and intelligence that should be encouraged for parents, teachers and professors: fisico-motor, Visual-spatial, interpersonal and intrapersonal language, music, and logico-matematica. While the linguistic and logical-mathematical intelligence, are usually associated with the intelligence others are considered talents. Gardner believes that the seven, are as important and each child has all these types of multiple intelligence in a single model. Foster the creative exploration of the seven fields, children will feel safer when it comes to new activities or when elements of different areas are combined in the activity itself. Here are some ways of encouraging creativity in all fields: linguistic intelligence can be promoted through oral or written word games, such as: search for rhymes, stories, early writing, etc. It is good to have many books and magazines at home or take your child to the library regularly encourage him to write a Journal about daily activities and discoveries made to read it then in a loud voice.
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