Emilia Blacksmith

January 3rd, 2013 Posted in News

Almost a century later, around 1980, Brazil passes for plus a conceptual and social transformation. The construtivista thought, happened of the result of the research on psicognese of the written language, carried through for the Argentine researcher Emilia Blacksmith, estria one to look at more sharpened on the alfabetizao process. The pupils start to be citizens of the education, constructing its learning. The construtivismo more brings new routes for the education, becoming it human being and approaching the daily knowledge of, becoming it practical and the useful one. The pupil starts to all have more practical influence on in classroom, being the center of the learning process. According to Fernando Becker, 1992: The idea of that nothing, the severity, he is ready, finished, and of that, specifically, the knowledge is not given, in no instance, as something finished. It consists of the interaction of the individual with the social environment and, with the human symbolism, the world of the social relations; if constitutes of force of its action and not of any previous endowment, in the hereditary luggage or the way, in such way that we can affirm that before the action does not have psiquismo nor conscience and, much less, thought.

(p.88) the construtivismo, therefore, is a theory, a set of ideas of an unsatisfied society with the routes of the education. A change of position ahead of the knowledge and the human being. It is the search for the knowledge through its construction interaction. Fernando Becker, apud Piaget, 1992: The relations between the citizen and its half one consist of a radical interaction, in way such that the conscience does not start for the knowledge of objects nor for the one of the activity of the citizen, but for a indiferenciado state; is of this state that derives two complementary movements, one of incorporation of the things to the citizen, the other of room to the proper things.


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