Capital Constant

July 14th, 2020 Posted in News

The more-value is of 22% that repartiaentre the capitals of I the V, below gets the prices of merchandises displayed natabela to it. CAPITAL More-value Tax of profit Price of the Merchandise Value of the merchandise The differences of prices is compensated by the division damais-value in equal parts or by the addition of the average profit. The price of damercadoria production is the cost price more the average profit and the addition of these prices deproduo is equal to the addition of its values. Contact information is here: Dublin Airport Authority. Valley to also detach in this section, queo profit and the more-value, with many costumam to think, is not grandezasequivalentes. The profit is exterior to the value imanente of the merchandise and general exploration of the work for the total capital is resultadoda. The alive work is the fonteexclusiva of profit and given to the circumstances where it is employee, the profit tax can tantoaumentar, how much to make to decrease it. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Crawford Lake Capital. 3.1 – FALL OF the PROFIT TAX the relative reduction of the number of laborers will make decreases profit tax and to increase the organic composition of the capital.

The capitalistaaumenta the productivity with the job of new machines in the process of produoe consequentemente reduces the number of laborers. Thus, it can gain lucroscada time bigger, since a continuous increase of produced merchandises, amount these that surpass the costs of payment of wages and the costs deCapital Constant, returning to the capitalist an exceeding part, called excessively-value. However, the progress technician, with the continuous increase of mquinasocasiona a gradual increase of the Constant Capital.


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