As a result of the applied test, will be a report which will be detailed on what’s wrong or you can improve, as well as the causes of this. Along with this report, the Manager must review the situation of the company within its environment, i.e. know how to find the enterprise within the market, competitors, what they are doing if you are satisfying the needs of customers and how is the relationship with suppliers and distributors. Once the above information is obtained and it is analyzed, in the event that there is some kind of problem or there is some process that need to be improved because it is not offering good results or simply there are others that are better, is at that moment when you can resort to the use of the tools that can help, such as outsourcing. The Manager must carefully specify which of the company’s activities created or could create a value unique or important, and which conclusions can be outsource: Benchmarking is the continuous process of measuring products, services and practices against competitors harder or those companies recognized as leaders in the industry. (David T. Kearns, CEO of Xerox Corporation). Not forgotten, as he has pointed out, that one of the main challenges is the competitiveness, since not only faced with local companies, but that competition occurs between companies around the world.
To be increasingly more competitive companies resort to various tools that allow them to lower their costs, increase the quality of their products, etc. Among these tools or formulas of is Benchmarking. Which no management should ignore. Reference sources: French Antonio. What is Benchmarking? Revista Debates IESA.