In this conception of Open Education one perceives that it has ampler dimension of what it is Education in the distance, therefore engloba the participants of a process of construction of knowledge in virtual spaces and that they use the miditicas tools in synchronous or asynchronous times. THE EDUCATION IN THE DISTANCE AND THE TECHNOLOGIES The Education is known in the distance that – EAD essentially has its bases in the use of the Technologies of the Information and Communication – TICs; what it physically becomes distant the contact between professor and pupil. However, it is considered that the interaction dialectic occurs normally. Traditionally, the learning environments are tied with the education, endowed with multimedia tools, that are instruments that mediatizam the relationship professor/pupil. In reason of this, the TICs if makes gifts in virtual courses.
In this direction it is pertinent to question what Technology can be considered? The Aurlio Dictionary (1999) defines technology as ' ' set of knowledge, especially scientific principles, that if apply to one definitive branch of atividade' '. The intellectual technologies are defined by Levy (1999, p.157) as being ' ' the dynamic memories, objectified in digital documents or available programs in rede' '. The author detaches despite the EAD explores certain techniques specific, including the hipermdias, the interactive nets of communication and all the intellectual technologies of the cibercultura. The new technologies in education are defined by Masetto (2000) as the use of computer science, the computer, the Internet, the CD-ROM, the hipermdia, the multimedia, and other tools come back toward Education in the distance, for example: chats, group or fruns of quarrel, e-mail etc. The author believes that the TICs can collaborate significantly stops to become the more efficient and efficient educative process. However, he is valid to reflect the incorporation of the technologies in the educational way in the one of development interactive actions that facilitate collective the individual growth/of pupils; after all, a course in EAD estimates the wakening of initiative, possibility of flexibility and the autonomy of the citizen.
Tags: education