News Corporation

January 5th, 2014 Posted in News

It wants to know if the giant of the News communication Corporation, surrounded in the controversy by listening, committed some illegal activity in the United States. Several politicians of the country have requested an investigation indicating that it was possible to be illegally listened to the mailboxes of voice of the victims of 11-S. The FBI informed east Thursday into which it has abierto an investigation to determine if the giant of the News communication Corporation, surrounded in the controversy by listening of his already disappeared News of the World, committed some illegal activity in the United States. ” We are conscious of the accusations and the FBI has begun an investigation for estudiarlas” , a spokeswoman of that agency in New York confirmed, that did not want to specify if the investigations look for to determine if periodic of that communications group intercepted telephone calls of victims of the terrorist attacks of the 11 of September of 2001 in the United States. The pressure to investigate the practices of means of News Corporation in this country was made more fort Tuesday when influential democratic senator of Western Virginia, Jay Rockller, made appearance public in which he insisted to the American authorities to investigate to the company on ” to assure that the privacy of citizens has not been violated estadounidenses”. ” Supposed listening of newspapers of News Corporation against a range of individuals, including children, are offensive and a serious transgression of the ethics periodstica” , Rockller in its declaration said. To the request of the senator the one of republican congressman Peter King was united east Wednesday, who asked for in a letter the FBI that is investigated if the company of the Australian tycoon Rupert Murdoch illegally listened to the mailboxes of voice of the victims of 11-S.


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