Mathematical Modeling

February 18th, 2021 Posted in News

Already the international level Professor David Burghes of the United kingdom, used the Modeling in its lessons and developed projects with Professors of Average Education, with the purpose to produce new materials for modeling. The movement of the precursors in Mathematical Modeling unchained a series of research, and new theoreticians had appeared. These theoreticians had stimulated the development of this new seek area, and the Mathematical Modeling became important for Education. In this way, this study it comes in search of an alternative of mathematical learning that takes care of the necessities of the professors and the pupils. This search if justifies, therefore it is known that the schools nor always possess all the necessary didactic resources for the development of a full and satisfactory learning. According to Biembengut (2011), ‘ ‘ the Mathematical Modeling is a method in which if it teaches the mathematical content from the description, formularization and resolution of situations problems of some area of the knowledge of interest of aluno.’ ‘ Thus, Mathematical Modeling is an education method saw research that allows that the professor carries through its work with the resources that makes use and a little of creativity and much mathematical knowledge. Thus, the present work, if constitutes in a small bibliographical research that it does not intend to deplete the subject, but to only weave some commentaries concerning the subject. We present in this work an analysis of some articles of famous authors in the area, with the objective to promote one better agreement on Mathematical Modeling in education and, who knows, to help to promote this new way to develop the learning in mathematics.. For assistance, try visiting Michael Ellis MP.


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