INTEGRAL METHOD: The communication as main approach Eliane Cerqueira Dos Santos. 1 Euclia de Jesus Hisses. 2 Marise Borges Blacksmith. 3 Tatiana lid Dos Santos Birth. 4 INTRODUCTION Aquiline Sanchez (2005, P. 665) defines method in the following way: El enseanza of lenguas ha there corporate method en since siempre un central subject. Habitual Ha been y sigue siendo en los testimonies on el aprendizaje of lenguas, to hacer reference I join it u otro mejor method as el the camino peor to cheat teaching objective los the learning.
When leading in consideration this concept of Sanchez (2005, p.665) must be perceived the emphatical way which the author makes parallels between the use of different methods in the practical professor. In accordance with Sanchez (1997) ' ' Los exchanges en general somewhat circumstantial sound al hombre' '. In this direction the author calls the attention for constant capacity human being to adapt changes, thus understands that the presented metodolgicas modifications in the educational scope are not considered harmful, them to it must occur of form necessary better to take care of to its target: the society. The different educational metodolgicas structures appear to each time where the society possesss a new necessity in its half one. As Blanca Aguirre Beltrn (2005, p.643) in the present time we must take in consideration the following fact: ' ' From 60 aos los del pasado siglo if produce joins series of deep exchanges politicians, economic y sociales, as as notables you advance of wools sciences del lenguaje' '. With this affirmation the author considers new methods for the new educational trends.
More to follow the same one she complements giving emphasis to a perspective where the market of work and its demands are the main chain that makes mention until then new metodolgica search. together con el of basic communicative ability, han happened of manera en prcticas current wools concepciones y aplicaciones en el woollen landmark del communicative approach enseanza of lenguas, y that constituyen el object of this exposicin: el anlisis of necesidades y el resume. In accordance with this vision the market of work and its necessity to communicate itself, charges of its professionals the perfectioning in the area of the study of languages in scientific way academic, for one better development in the performance area it its professional. For Sanchez (apud Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p.15) the methodologies are directly on to one ' ' desenho' '. In it they are contained: ' ' objectives; seleccin y organizacin of materiales professors; activities required for el method; committed y responsibilities of alumnos los; committed y responsibilities of los profesores y committed y funcin of materiales' ' , it is in this perspective that appears then on the vision of the Aquiline theoretician Sanchez on a new method that contains in itself especificidades characterize that it as something integrator characteristic this that of the name to the method: Integral. The necessity of the use of methods and methodologies in the educational way in our history comes being cultuada since the time of the arrival of the Portuguese in our territory. During 500 years of history diverse techniques already had been more than developed, perfected others, amongst the methods of perfectioning in the education of languages, appear the Integral method having as main approach the communication. This used boarding already in a method previously teorizado (Communicative Method) comes bringing in its essence a new practical roupagem.
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