Guillermo III

April 17th, 2013 Posted in News

To prevent the succession, Parliament with a massive support, moves immediately and manages the fall of Jacobo II to replace him by his son-in-law, Guillermo de Orange, stadtholder of the Netherlands, husband of Mary, who Guillermo III of England, will be converted later to take over the throne, thus completing the glorious revolution. Guillermo de Orange March on England with 14 thousand men, on 14 November 1688, carrying the slogan for a free Parliament, by a Protestant religion. James II seek the support of dissenters and Catholics without success and he had to flee to France. William gained temporary control of the Government and convened a Convention, so named because it was not convened by the King, who in February 1689 gave Maria II of England and to Guillermo III of England, the Crown (22) with the condition that accepted the Declaration of rights (or Bill of Rights) (23). The draft of the Convention granted succession the sister of Maria, Ana of England, in the event that the first had no sons, it prevented access to the throne of Catholics, guaranteed frequent free and calls for elections of the Parliament and declared illegal the existence of a standing army in time of peace. The glorious revolution was successful, without bloodshed: the Parliament was sovereign and prosperous England.

It was a victory of liberal principles (or whigs), since, if the Catholics could not be Kings, no monarch could be absolute. Importantly this revolutionary process is based on the political progress found in Britain from the end of the 17TH century, (whereas the system of the European continent remained absolutist, the British already had a consolidated monarchy) which gave him intellectual capabilities so that during the 19th century is the hegemonic power par excellence. (18) In order to avoid convening Parliament to obtain resources Carlos II sold Dunkirk to the French and said that Luis XIV had promised that he would impose the absolutism and the Catholic religion in England.

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