Inspection by the inspection community acupuncture is a diagnostic method by which the doctor understands and is able to predict pathological changes of internal organs by the observation of the irregular changes in vitality, color, appearance, and secretions and excretions of the patient.In his extensive clinical practice, Chinese doctors became aware of the close relationship between the external part of the body, especially the face and tongue, and Zang-Fu organs.The subtle changes that are manifested in these areas of the body may reflect pathology in various parts of the body.Therefore, the external inspection is helpful in diagnosis. Observation of the VitalidadSe means vitality to the overall manifestation of the vital activities of the human body and the external signs of the relative strength of the Qi and blood of Zang-Fu organs, which take the essential Qi as a base.To observe the vitality, the doctor can get a rough idea of the power of Qi antipatogeno of the human body and the severity of the disorder, which is very important for the prognosis.If the patient is fully conscious and enough mood, responds acutely and shine you your eyes, then the patient is vigorous and disease can be considered mild; If the patient is discouraged, with muted eyes, and of slow response or signs of mental disturbance, then the patient lacks vigor and disease could be severe. Observation of the colorSe are to observe both the color and the brightness of the face.There are five types of discoloration, namely: Blue, yellow, red, light grey and dark grey.The observation of the brightness of the face consists in distinguishing if the complexion is shiny and wet or if it is dark and macilenta.People of different races have different skin colors, and there is a wide variation between individuals of the same race.However, a bright skin’s natural color is considered normal.The color and the brightness of the face are the external manifestations of the relative power the Qi and blood of Zang-Fu organs.The changes of color and brightness usually denote different pathological conditions.The observation of such changes is valuable for disease diagnosis.
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