
September 14th, 2012 Posted in News

The necklace also is u mobile vestibule and is enough to place it in the soil to light a candle in the center of it and to offer it orix corresponding and owner to it of this necklace, to adentrarmos inside I circulate of it with the candle in our ankle and to clamarmos the Olorum and to the Orix owner of that necklace and to ask for that it unloads all the negative energies of our field, in them harmonizes and it balances in them, that in instants already we are with all our physical body and unloaded spiritual and our forces balanced and harmonized with the creation of our Creative The holy ghost Olorum. The guide spiritual is the only one that she knows to handle and to activate the resources of the necklace with 100% of cause knowledge, to put learns some meanings when the necklace used in is determined position in our body when the guide this incorporating. Let us see: Traditionally the necklace always is used in our neck and opened for front, thus creating all a protective field and opening of ticket and exchange of energies with the located forces our front. To put when the necklace is used in vertical line or perpendicularly, crossed in our body and opened for our left, in case that it is a necklace of Exu thus creates all a protective field and opening of ticket and exchange of energies with the located forces our left, where we pass to be unloaded depleted of all the situated negative energies in our field and we also pass to be loaded energy speaking of vitalizadoras and estimuladoras energies of our positive and virtuous actions. Why we place case is a necklace of Exu? Because to our left who prevails is the Orixs, Exu, Dove-Turn and same Exu-Mirim and existing other deities our left, in the Umbanda it is Exu that answers for all the forces and fields to the left.


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