Archive for March, 2016

Roman Empire

March 19th, 2016    Posted in News

It was with 50 years of age and you 19 years. You already had a son, Homero, and an entire life for the front Its husband, now centurio of the Roman Empire, a conqueror, was sent to live in a region conquered in the north of the Europe and took the family together with it.

Juliana, you was to live in a called region Britain, with many rebellious warriors, who kept a resistance against the hegemony of Rome. Juliana, young created with all the requintes of Rome, beautiful, cultured in the arts of music, the poetry, the dance, was in a moved away place, far from everything, far from its world, but next to the husband whom it chose and with its son. The time that does not stop! Already this with 27 years and again engravida you, and have plus a pretty boy, who was called Augustus (this I break was Olga, who renasce now, to join you and to alliviate its sadnesses again). Again together vocs, Juliana and Olga, now as being this boy, Augustus, who if became the center of all its life. It illuminated the ways disturbances that were its front in those lands of Britain. When August he completed five years, he happened a battle where vocs they liveed and its husband was wounded in combat seriously.

Being thus, Rome decides to call it in return. you, Juliana, its August son, its husband Claude and its another son, Homero, that now with 15 years, comes back to the center of the civilization of the time, perpetual Rome! In little time its Homero son is incorporated the army, to follow the career of the father, Claude who now was senator in Rome. Again you, Juliana conquered the city of Rome with its life You come back if to dedicate to music, and the poetry Its loved son, August (that its mother was Olga and that also a life was its friend before) completes twenty years, influential young of the politics of Rome, conquest a marriage with an foreigner, coming of Egypt, north of Africa. forms a pretty family. You seem to distanciar yourself of Augustus because of its new life. You who were Juliana, that was Horcio, you die with forty and eight years, in Rome thus the perpetual trams of its life, that in one to change of personages fascinates, continues Some centuries to the front you are born in England (Britain) to shine in that nation that appears dominant in a new world I, eat who it writes, I dare to place itself as one of the personages also, to its side, that one that participates of its trajectory at many moments Today the time is another one, but they had been souvenirs that do not leave its mind and its spirit Its house, its blue sea, its land of viking ‘ ‘. Vito Fazzani.

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The Aurlio Dictionary

March 15th, 2016    Posted in News

In this conception of Open Education one perceives that it has ampler dimension of what it is Education in the distance, therefore engloba the participants of a process of construction of knowledge in virtual spaces and that they use the miditicas tools in synchronous or asynchronous times. THE EDUCATION IN THE DISTANCE AND THE TECHNOLOGIES The Education is known in the distance that – EAD essentially has its bases in the use of the Technologies of the Information and Communication – TICs; what it physically becomes distant the contact between professor and pupil. However, it is considered that the interaction dialectic occurs normally. Traditionally, the learning environments are tied with the education, endowed with multimedia tools, that are instruments that mediatizam the relationship professor/pupil. In reason of this, the TICs if makes gifts in virtual courses.

In this direction it is pertinent to question what Technology can be considered? The Aurlio Dictionary (1999) defines technology as ' ' set of knowledge, especially scientific principles, that if apply to one definitive branch of atividade' '. The intellectual technologies are defined by Levy (1999, p.157) as being ' ' the dynamic memories, objectified in digital documents or available programs in rede' '. The author detaches despite the EAD explores certain techniques specific, including the hipermdias, the interactive nets of communication and all the intellectual technologies of the cibercultura. The new technologies in education are defined by Masetto (2000) as the use of computer science, the computer, the Internet, the CD-ROM, the hipermdia, the multimedia, and other tools come back toward Education in the distance, for example: chats, group or fruns of quarrel, e-mail etc. The author believes that the TICs can collaborate significantly stops to become the more efficient and efficient educative process. However, he is valid to reflect the incorporation of the technologies in the educational way in the one of development interactive actions that facilitate collective the individual growth/of pupils; after all, a course in EAD estimates the wakening of initiative, possibility of flexibility and the autonomy of the citizen.

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The Psicopedagogia

March 15th, 2016    Posted in News

Since in the assistencial character, psicopedagogo participates of responsible teams for the elaboration of plans and projects in practical the theoretical context/of the educational politics, making with that the professors, directors and coordinators can rethink the paper of the school front its docncia and to the individual necessities of learning of the child or, of proper ensinagem' '. BOSSA (1994, p 23). The Psicopedagogia already comes with great success acting in the diverse Institutions, is schools, hospitals and companies. The learning must be looked at as the activity of individuals or human groups, that by means of the incorporation of information and the development of experiences, promote steady modifications in the personality and the group dynamics which revert in the instrumental handling of the reality. 2.1 THE SUPPORT OF THE FAMILY IN THE PROCESS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE CHILD The family plays a primordial role in the process of learning of the pupils, therefore many times the parents do not want to enxergar the child with its difficulties. The bond affective it is primordial for the good development of the child. The psicopedaggica performance if considers to include the parents in the process of development of its children, for intermediary of meetings and making possible the accompaniment of the work carried through next to the professors.

The parents when they place its children in the school desire that they are successful and therefore when this desire is not become fullfilled as waited, appear the frustration, friction many times the child as incapable, appearing consequentemente the difficulties in the learning. According to Polity (2000), a child can give up the accepted school because an emotional responsibility, puting in charge well-taken care of it of some member of the family. This if produces, in reply to the depression of the mother and the lack of emotional availability of the father who, in unconscious way, ratifies the necessity that has the wife, that to its it takes care of it son.

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Integral Method

March 12th, 2016    Posted in News

INTEGRAL METHOD: The communication as main approach Eliane Cerqueira Dos Santos. 1 Euclia de Jesus Hisses. 2 Marise Borges Blacksmith. 3 Tatiana lid Dos Santos Birth. 4 INTRODUCTION Aquiline Sanchez (2005, P. 665) defines method in the following way: El enseanza of lenguas ha there corporate method en since siempre un central subject. Habitual Ha been y sigue siendo en los testimonies on el aprendizaje of lenguas, to hacer reference I join it u otro mejor method as el the camino peor to cheat teaching objective los the learning.

When leading in consideration this concept of Sanchez (2005, p.665) must be perceived the emphatical way which the author makes parallels between the use of different methods in the practical professor. In accordance with Sanchez (1997) ' ' Los exchanges en general somewhat circumstantial sound al hombre' '. In this direction the author calls the attention for constant capacity human being to adapt changes, thus understands that the presented metodolgicas modifications in the educational scope are not considered harmful, them to it must occur of form necessary better to take care of to its target: the society. The different educational metodolgicas structures appear to each time where the society possesss a new necessity in its half one. As Blanca Aguirre Beltrn (2005, p.643) in the present time we must take in consideration the following fact: ' ' From 60 aos los del pasado siglo if produce joins series of deep exchanges politicians, economic y sociales, as as notables you advance of wools sciences del lenguaje' '. With this affirmation the author considers new methods for the new educational trends.

More to follow the same one she complements giving emphasis to a perspective where the market of work and its demands are the main chain that makes mention until then new metodolgica search. together con el of basic communicative ability, han happened of manera en prcticas current wools concepciones y aplicaciones en el woollen landmark del communicative approach enseanza of lenguas, y that constituyen el object of this exposicin: el anlisis of necesidades y el resume. In accordance with this vision the market of work and its necessity to communicate itself, charges of its professionals the perfectioning in the area of the study of languages in scientific way academic, for one better development in the performance area it its professional. For Sanchez (apud Richards and Rodgers, 1986, p.15) the methodologies are directly on to one ' ' desenho' '. In it they are contained: ' ' objectives; seleccin y organizacin of materiales professors; activities required for el method; committed y responsibilities of alumnos los; committed y responsibilities of los profesores y committed y funcin of materiales' ' , it is in this perspective that appears then on the vision of the Aquiline theoretician Sanchez on a new method that contains in itself especificidades characterize that it as something integrator characteristic this that of the name to the method: Integral. The necessity of the use of methods and methodologies in the educational way in our history comes being cultuada since the time of the arrival of the Portuguese in our territory. During 500 years of history diverse techniques already had been more than developed, perfected others, amongst the methods of perfectioning in the education of languages, appear the Integral method having as main approach the communication. This used boarding already in a method previously teorizado (Communicative Method) comes bringing in its essence a new practical roupagem.

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The Others

March 9th, 2016    Posted in News

Because I say currently you that nor the work follows tranquilamente, because already emotionally is mixed. You do not obtain to be rational. is not something that you obtain to control, you is emotional. The first step would be to recognize this question, but I see that you still believe that she obtains to be rational. Until there, it does not have nothing to see with me, if it was not for the fact of to this to bother me behavior it involves when me directly. The people bind it me to you, it does not have skill. This relationship that we are developing finishes being transparent for the other people as if it was with priority to the work and career.

is in this point that we two need to act strong. I see that we two leave losing. But in way ' ' adulta' ' , I want to say, that it is not going against the ideas, or showing in infantile attitudes that we do not give in them well or any thing of the sort. The way is to change our speech with one another. More polishing and to be educated it would be a good start. Moreover, to inside respect the basic norms of position of a company, the type to respect the right of the others to be expressed, not to demonstrate a privacy that is not had, to stop of focar in the negative points of the other, stopping to evidence them and for goes there. I do not see another exit not to be in them always to police more and. is not simply to represent, but yes to incorporate everything this in our relationship. I know that she lacks respect (and here I assume my parcel of guilt) and the people notice. She does not need to coexist very, is enough one meeting excessively to perceive them that we have a relationship, at least, confused.

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Melody Maker

March 4th, 2016    Posted in News

It does not have fear does not give attention does not give to advice Not part permission. You are alone who you must decide what to make Pra to try to be happy. (Russian Renato. Theorem) 10 2.VOZ AND MELODY 2,1 THAT COUNTRY IS THIS? Electric Abortion imagines to have a called set, at a time where you could not nor have set. A time had asked for the F (Philip We read), that today it is the baterista of the Initial Capital, if it was against or in favor of the electric abortion, as it was some contraceptive laser a.

(Russian Renato; 1986, p.20) F Lemos, that would later come to be the baterista of the Electric Abortion and of the Initial Capital, when listening for the first time the compact one of the Sex Pistols found stranger. It was not nor of far similar to the descriptions of the magazines Melody Maker and Musical New Express. Some weeks later, if it discovered that the compact English would have to be executed in the speed of 45 rotations per minute, not 33 rotations as the Brazilian touch-record was marked. In the school, F was the first one to use the t-shirt of the British group and full jeans torn of patches. It was also in this period that initiated the battery lessons. Renato folloied with attention the news articles on punk.

thus, also, surrendered it the characteristic suits: jeanses, white t-shirts or long sleeve shirts without prints. Moreover, new punk also incorporated the coturnos. Parallel to punk, 70 are the decade of the record in Brazil. Being thus, the group of young brasilienses divided itself in that the discotecas frequentavam assiduamente and in that they more dived each time in the rock and punk. Renato was in as the group, clearly. Punk nailed the idea of ' ' of yourself' '.

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