Archive for February, 2013

Personal Internet

February 26th, 2013    Posted in News

Tourism in our beautiful country increasingly possession in the mind of the Ecuadorians, thanks in part to the recent Government and the enormous investment that bet private enterprises, they have stressed that tourism is a source of income for Ecuadorians. Currently in Ecuador discusses community tourism, ecotourism, agro-tourism, adventure tourism and now with the latest addition to astroturismo, but in spite of such forms of tourism, still find the deficiency in the services provided by many tourism businesses to their customers and their lack of creativity to promote their services in an effective manner. In conversations with many owners of tourism establishments I’ve seen the lack of training for effective use of the Internet, some at best know how to use email and have their own Web page nor which to speak. Would like to contribute with a few tips for those who want to take their tourism company a foot forward with very little investment: 1) creates your email account on Hotmail to use Messenger and Gmail this last use it for sending photos large, try to sign each time you send an email. (2) Learn to use MSN and use it to give assistance to future clients. (3) Open a file in Word and type the following:-title: name of the company with its slogan.

-Description: Describe your business and the benefits that you get tourists. -Information: Phone, Email, location, opening hours and how to get there. -Insert images in your establishment. (4) I sent an email to all your contacts with the attached file telling you that it is your business. (5) To invest in its website, hire the services of a company so that you can develop your Web page. (6) Google search ads directories and begin to put your company’s information. (7) Do your business cards, and put the address of e-mail and its Web site.

(8) Type reports of something that can attract tourists to the place where this your business and send it by email to friends and the media. These are some of the few things initially that would help them to their business of tourism through the Internet begins to take a few steps forward. Always try that with God’s help and Internet exploit the service that we offer to the tourists. Christian Echeverria E, is CEO & President of the company ECHEVERRIA biz and directs WelcomeEcuador. com whose Office is in the city of Guayaquil, working in the Middle more than 5 years.

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February 25th, 2013    Posted in News

For many years in Palmyra one of the cities of Syria, lived a prosperous seller of fabrics whose businesses attended each of their children. Once the seller had to leave for a long time to buy new fabrics in the East, so he gathered his sons, Ashur, Fouad and Karam and left them a chest full of expensive linens if the great lords came with their tailors looking for them to develop their expensive suits. Months later returned the seller of fabrics to the village and brought back to their children, and ask the first one by the business this told him that actually as the father it had foreseen the great lords came to the village and he had gone home from seller to find the chest. Arriving said the young man found the locked chest and decided to wait upon your return. Ashur said the father very well. To ask the next son, this told him that his business had reached the great Lords in search of beautiful fabrics as that his father kept. I went home said the young and to view the closed casket, 2 days I traveled up to Damascus in search of a locksmith.

On the return we were ambushed and robbed and arriving at the village locksmith finally discussed at length the chest and not that it can be opened told me that we had to destroy it and as I know the sentimental value you’ve always had for the same reason I decided very to my sorrow leave it without opening and avoid you a sadness. Fouad said the father very well and asked the third son by the business. He said that as the father had planned, the business had come the great Lords in search of beautiful linens. I went to your House father and to see the closed casket I thought that if you had been so cautious to let us fabrics in case the buyers arrived, I have also left the key to open it. I looked where you keep your keys and found one that said the key to the treasure chest, opened it and sold fabrics at a good price and this is the money from the sale. The father looked at his children and said to them, thank you my children, today thanks to you I have learned that mediocrity comes under the guise of appearance and success of simplicity I think that it is time to stop my testament to ti told Ashur the father, I will let my debts, because although few today is that you won’t have the ability to increase them. You Fouad, said the second, I will let my problems because now I know that you will have the ability to deceive them and you, Karam, said to the last, I will let my riches because now I know that you find ways to increase them. Life is like the seller of fabrics, which gives everyone what they deserve.

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The Reflection

February 19th, 2013    Posted in News

Some questions can guide the reflection, until this to become an incorporated habit day-by-day, as for example, to ask itself exactly if she is being good professional, if it is acting adequately and still its activity is being become fullfilled correctly. It is basic to always have in mind that has a series of attitudes that are not described in the codes of all the professions, but that the activities are common to all that a person can exert, liking what becomes, without losing the dimension of that is necessary always to continue improving, learning, trying new solutions, creating new forms to exert the activities, being open the changes, exactly in the small details, that can make a great difference in its professional and personal accomplishment. This everything can happen with the incorporated ethical reflection its life. that is part what empregabilidade is called, that nothing more is that the capacity that you can have of being a eticamente good professional. Eticamente adequate behavior and continued success are indissociveis! 1.5 – PROFESSIONAL ETHICS, SOCIAL RELATIONS AND INDIVIDUALISM the laws of each profession is elaborated with the objective to protect the professionals, the category and the people who depend on that professional, but specifically has many aspects not foreseen and that they are part of the comprometimento of the professional in being eticamente correct, that is, to make the certain thing.

Another reference that has been object of study of many scholars seems to be the trend of the human being to defend, in first place, its proper interests e, when these interests are of little recommendable nature, they occur we serssimos problems. The ethical value of the human effort is changeable in function of its reach, in face of the community. If the executed work is alone to gain income, has its restricted value in general. The carried through services, aiming at the benefit of third with conscience of the common good, start to exist the social expression of the same.

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February 19th, 2013    Posted in News

Therefore the intertextualidade nothing more is of what the incorporation of a text in another text, possessing the purpose to reproduce the direction or to modify using it diverse mechanisms. (FIORIN, 2003, P. 30). Many theoreticians costumam to classify types of intertextualidade, enter the diverse ones cited for Koch and Travaglia, in its book Text and Coherence, will be focado the type of intertextualidade that if binds to the content directly. Being able to have an explicit character, as the citation, and implicit as the parody and the paraphrase. (KOCH & TRAVAGLIA, 1989, P. 88-89).

In this work, the objective will be to use the mechanism of manifestation of the explicit intertextualidade, the parody, that nothing more is of what an imitation of a literary composition with the purpose of ridicularizar, making the use of the irony, possessing many times a diverse and even though contrary direction to the one of the original workmanship. The parody is, therefore, a distortion of the text-base, with diverse purposes, between them the critical one. (KOCH & TRAVAGLIA, 1989, P. the 88-89) object of analysis, therefore, will be two great poems of Brazilian literature, Song of the Exile of Gonalves Days and Sing of Return to Native land of Oswald de Andrade. Valley to stand out despite the analysis in question leagues the content to it of poems, its differences and similarities. The text-base is of Gonalves the Days, that is, it is the matrix that it originated from Oswald de Andrade, this, is intertexto, that, in turn, in accordance with the Aurlio dictionary of Portuguese language, means ' ' Set of references or influences of another one (s) text (s) in one texto.' ' Song of the exile My land has palms, Where the Wise person sings; The birds, that gorjeiam here, did not gorjeiam as there. Our sky has more stars, Our fertile valleys has more flowers, Our forests has more life, Our life more loves.

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February 12th, 2013    Posted in News

Implanting? ties mattering? a conflict that would not be ours, not at least in jurisdiction level. Clia de Azevedo, in the article ' ' Racial quota and state: abolition of racism or rights of race? ' ' , it argues that racism not drift of a certain connotation of race. In contrast, racism creates the race notion is biological it or cultural, in other words, racism operates by means of the racializao of the society. The contrary the implantation of the racial quotas do not deny the existence of racism in Brazil? how they insist on saying some militant intellectuals and of the black movement? but they disagree with the form as it is being if evaluating and trying to fight the racial preconception. They always insist on the universalistas actions that they would not cause, in its readings, the division of Brazil in racial terms. In other words, they are against the racial quotas for seeing in them a process of racializao of the Brazilian society. Thus, they consider the universalizao of the citizenship, where the magnifying of the education and income and other rights would finish for attenuating – the short one, and to exterminar in long stated period, the racial inaqualities in Brazil. Against this argument the corporate shareholders indicate that the racial problem in Brazil not it will be cured only with the solution of the social problems. The blacks have proper demands that the notion of race acting in contemptuous way finished for attributing to them, then, will be revigorating positively this concept that ' ' no-brancos' ' they will fight against the Brazilian racism that organicly are not associated with the notion of social classroom, thus having, ' ' existence autnoma' '. Sketching this type this type of argument declares Pear tree (1996): It is clearly that the racial situation in the country, for if expressing inside of a system of classrooms, is, so to speak, contaminated for very of what it defines social classroom.

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